Follow the guide below to get you started on your onboarding with Xpence.

Download Xpence
Go to the App Store of choice and download the app today

Let’s Meet You.
To get you started with Xpence, we need to get to know you a little better.
The app will prompt you for some basic information.
We’ll need your full name*, your ID*, your role in your business, your address and a selfie.
We’ll need your full name*, your ID*, your role in your business, your address and a selfie.
*1 Name should be the same as your ID
*2 you must be above the age of 18

Tell us about your business
After we get to know you, we’d love to learn more about your business.
To get you off the ground, let us know what industry you’re in, where you’re based*, and any links to your website or social accounts.
*must be registered in one of the countries Xpence operates = Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Egypt, Pakistan

Invite Your Partners
Invite any of your investors/shareholders to join your business.
*partners need to go through a separate KYC process. (FAQ Page Option)

Upload Documents
Your almost ready to submit your application to Xpence!
Please upload the following documents: Your Company Registration Certificate, articles of association, and proof of address*.
*these are the minimum documents required, Xpence may reach out to you in future if more documentation is needed for your onboarding (fine print)

Track Your Application
Once you’ve submitted your application, you can log back into the app at anytime and check the status of your application.